Many of the websites I develop use WordPress for Content Management; so I’m I’m always happy to come across plugins that help make WordPress sites more accessible.

Here are two that I thought looked particularly useful.


A cross-browser, accessible audio player (MP3 player).

There are a couple of features that make it more accessible than the ‘bog-standard’ mp3 player:

  • The audio file can be downloaded by text browser users.
  • Screen reader user can control the player buttons, i.e. play, stop and so on.

Download EsAudioPlayer.

My Read More

This plugin replaces the default “read more” with text that you specify, and adds words from the title to it (the number of words is your choice). This means that all your links will be unique.

Download My Read More.

Do you know of any accessibility plugins?

Get in touch if you have come across any WordPress plugins designed to make WordPress sites more accessible; your recommendations are appreciated.

All the best,

p.s. and of course you can also contact me for all your WordPress development needs.

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Learn to design and manage WCAG compliant, accessible websites with my online course

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Wordpress plugins for accessibility

Working with non-profits, charities, voluntary and public sector organisations and social enterprises for over 20 years. Jim set up one of the worlds first website accessibility web agencies in the mid 1990s.