I am a fan of using CSS for layout and presentation of web pages – but I do still have a few ‘blind spots’ when it comes to putting my good intentions into practice. For example, with particularly complex forms I still tend to use tables when creating the form layout.

I was alerted to this tip by Tavis Reddick, the Webmaster at Fife College. While communicating about another forms related issue, he pointed me to a useful article about using CSS to layout forms (scroll down the page to find the part about forms layout).

I won’t reproduce the example code here – because it is not the simplest technique I have come across – and I couldn’t figure out a way to simplify it for ‘tip size’ consumption.…

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Working with non-profits, charities, voluntary and public sector organisations and social enterprises for over 20 years. Jim set up one of the worlds first website accessibility web agencies in the mid 1990s.