About website accessibility audits

What standard will be used?

Your website will be checked against the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) which are considered the de-facto standard in relation to web accessibility.

Although these guidelines are not legally binding, they are likely to be the guidelines referred to when assessing whether or not you have taken steps to make your website accessible to disabled people.

Choose a service to suit your needs

Package 1: First steps to website accessibility compliance

  • A low cost opportunity to get your website checked by an expert, highlighting problems and strengths.
  • Your website will be checked manually by a web accessibility expert against the WCAG 2, Priority 1 checkpoints.
  • Specific practical suggestions will be provided to improve the accessibility of your site.
  • You will receive a report and a checkpoint table with a summary of whether your site passed or failed on each checkpoint.
  • Enquire about package 1

Package 2: Web access excellence

  • You website will be checked manually by a web accessibility expert against the WCAG 2 guidelines up to priority 3, highlighting problems and strengths.
  • You will receive a detailed report and a checkpoint table with a summary of whether your site passed or failed each checkpoint.
  • Specific practical suggestions will be provided to improve the accessibility of your site.
  • Apart from the manual checks, a range of tools will be used to test your website, including a screen reader, text only browser, colour analyser, CSS and HTML validator.
  • Dynamic page elements will be checked for accessibility, including Javascript and Flash.
  • The accessibility of online forms will be checked to ensure that they are accessible to screen reader and keyboard users and that they continue to work without Javascript or other scripting.
  • We will organise a site visit to present and discuss the report.
  • Enquire about package 2.

Package 3: Live on-site web accessibility audit with training

  • This is a unique service provided Jim Byrne, who is one of the UKs, leading web accessibility experts. Jim has been providing accessible website design consultancy since 1996.
  • It will include a half-day training in relation to the ideas and techniques of accessible web design.
  • A ‘live’ audit of your website will be carried out on-site with your web development team and web editors.
  • The process involves assessing the website against each of the W3C WCAG checkpoints – in an informal group environment. This allows discussion, instant clarification of points made, and means questions can be asked related to access issues as they arise.
  • You will receive a detailed report and a checkpoint table with a summary of whether your site passed or failed on each checkpoint.
  • Website developers will be armed with an understanding of the importance of accessible web design and be motivated to make the required changes to the website.
  • Enquire about package 3

About our unique on-site web accessibility audit.

Contact Jim Byrne now


07810 098 119

Get in touch for a chat about your accessibility needs

If you have been thinking about a new accessible website or getting your website checked to ensure it is accessible and compliant with equality legislation, get in touch. Jim Byrne has been working with non-profits, charities, voluntary and public sector organisations and social enterprises for over 20 years. He fully understands the needs of this sector.

Get in touch today to take advantage of unrivalled experience and skills relating to accessible website design and WCAG 2 auditing. A website designer based in Glasgow but with clients all over the UK.

See list of clients and what they said about working with Jim Byrne Accessible Design.