Making Websites Accessible: 2 Acknowledgements

The Scottish Accessible Information Forum (SAIF) would like to thank Jim Byrne, of Jim Byrne and Associates, and Eva Bolander of Bestla Design for writing this guide. Jim is a recognised expert in the field of accessible website design and as creator of the Guild of Accessible Web Designers has a thorough awareness of practice and policy issues in this area. Eva is SAIF’s website consultant and a member of the Guild.

We wish to acknowledge the support of the Scottish Consumer Council which hosts SAIF, and the Scottish Executive Health Department which funds our work.

SAIF’s Standards and Communication Working Groups directed this project when our first guide was written in 2002 and provided valuable guidance throughout. The working groups then comprised:

Donald Anderson Marie Burns
Grant Carson Jean Dunlop
Lilian Lawson Andrew McGhee
Lucie McKenzie Shirley Young

For the 2006 edition, SAIF’s E-communication Working Group has directed the project and we would like to thank them. They are:

  • Marie Burns
  • Sandra Wilson
  • Marilyn Slavin
  • Andy Groves

In addition, thanks to SAIF’s Project Officers, Susan Burn and Steve Harvey for editing this guide. The illustrations used in this publication are from the Change Picture Bank (

Jim Byrne, winner of equal access category Global Bangemann Challenge.
Jim Byrne: Global Bangemann Challenge Winner for Equal Accces
Visual Imapairment
Male visually impaired computer user.
Website Accessibility Books by Jim Byrne
Ticking all of the accessibility boxes

My team

Committed to ensuring your content is accessibile to disabled people and complies with equality legislation.